Contact Us

Supercash Affiliate
Celsiusstraat 32
1700 AC Heerhugowaard

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Our frequently questions are here to help you out, if you run into a problem please read our FAQ before you contact us.

Are there any costs when I join

No, there are no costs when you join Super Cash Affiliate. Your registration can only gain you money.

How do I register?

Registration can only be done on this website, every registration will be reviewed before it will be approved. After your registration is approved you need to add the rest of your details so we can send payments towards you once you’ve generated revenue.

When will I get paid?

Our payments are allways processed before the 20th of the next month, This means that revenue from Januari will hit your bank account before the 20th of Februari. All payments will be processed by bank transfer so make sure your account information is correct.

What is the minimum payment?

At Supercashaffiliate we don’t believe in a minimum, every cent you make will be paid.

Are the charts and statistics real-time?

Transactions and sign ups are real time.

Will my revenue share change automaticly once I gain a new level?

Once we notice you gained enough leads the revenue share will change to the new percentage.

Will the revenue be reset at the beginning of the month

Every month your revenue share will start at 39% and can only go up once you send more leads.

Can I request for custom promotional tools?

You can allways contact us for custom or other promotional tools. If we think it is beneficial for the both of us we will be more than happy to create this for you.

Can I request a white label?

Yes, you can make a request for your own dating white label. For a whitelabel you only need a domain name, we host it.

Can I add multiple tracking parameters to my url?

Yes, you can add a promotion ID to every url that you have generated with our software. If you would like to add a second parameter simply add &tool= to your url.

I lost my password, what should I do?

If you lost your password you can request a new one by clicking on the question mark next to log in.


Convinced, you must be a real Superhero! Signing up is really easy, we will make sure your account will be activated as soon as possible. 

More information

Incase you feel uncertain or would like to receive more information about our payment terms or online products feel free to contact us.

Contact Us

supercash affiliate white

Supercash Affiliate
Celsiusstraat 32
1700 AC Heerhugowaard
Chamber of Commerce: 76180611
Terms and ConditionsPrivacy Statement